Ambika Devi

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Ambika Devi, Mind-Tamer

Book your session
with Ambika today!

Your session includes details of your purpose, strengths, and tools that transform your life.

Are you ready to get focused and clear your mind?

Book your session with Ambika today!

Your session includes details of your purpose, strengths, and tools that transform your life.

Are you ready to get focused and clear your mind?

As seen on:

Meet Your Instructor Ambika Devi

With 47 years of experience, 13,500 plus hours of study and having taught over 20,000 people the art of meditation, Ambika Devi (PhD(c) MA BA, BFA, a.k.a: Yogini Yoda, will place you precisely on your path using tools from her multiple degrees in fields of study including a Masters in Yoga and Meditation, and bachelor’s degrees in Astrology, and Fine Arts and as an international best-selling and award-winning author and speaker.

Ambika is an extraordinary teacher, guide and coach. She has been called a walking reference library of information with credentials. As an expert in overcoming anxiety, restoring sleep, repairing communication, teaching clear decision-making, sparking intuition, and enlivening your imagination, she will guide you to stabilize your relationships, improve your health, create harmony in your environment that helps you to create the extraordinary life you came here to live!

Feeling sluggish?

Change the way you feel in a FREE class!

→Understanding mnore about food and body type.
→Learn why certain practices do not work for everyone.
→Food classification and why it matters.
→Know your unique body-type and tools to harmonize it.

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International & Florida Local Events

Rediscover You - Taming the Mind Retreat

October 16-18 Paradise Island Bahamas

Let’s bask in the warm turquoise waters of Paradise Island, Bahamas as we relax our minds, bodies, & spirits, renewing together.

Join me and experience what it feels like to reside in an authentic living temple and have an authentic immersive Yoga experience with puja ceremonies daily. 

 All levels from beginner to advanced yogis are welcome!

Transformation Stories:

Contact Ambika and Media Inquiries

Use the form below to get in touch with Ambika Devi so that she can provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have, or help you to book her for your next event.

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