Lisa Tomey-Zonneveld

Lisa Tomey-Zonneveld
I met Ambika Devi via an interview for my podcast associated with my publishing company, Prolific Pulse Press LLC. As a guest, Ambika talked about her book “Cupid is a Bastard.” She shared extensive background information about how this book came to be and she read some poems included in this amazing book. What really stood out to me was Ambika’s personable demeanor. She is highly knowledgeable about writing, recording, and producing. Her presentation was entertaining, resulting in the perfect show for the production of the podcast. Since we were recording on both video and audio, the video appeal was a perfect setting and the audio carried through well. Since the podcast, I have joined the Writer’s Salon, which Ambika introduced me to in the podcast. This virtual writing group has been a tremendous help with feedback and inspiration for writing. Ambika has been a steadfast member of this group and serves well to support other group members. One more thing about Ambika is that she is a constant resource for writers and artists who desire to produce their works.