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Do you notice the transiting planets and the effect the moon has on your moods and behavior patterns? I bet you do but that you have not made the cognitive connection between these and your state of being. The most recent New Moon was in my Sun Sign of Scorpio on Monday November 13. Upon awakening this morning I had the urge to purge. I got into some top cabinet spaces where old remedies resided that are no longer needed and cleared them out.
This inspired me to create a virtual gathering for all of us to join together in a cozy evening on Zoom where I am going to give you information about the upcoming eclipse seasons in 2024, teach you a powerful prosperity mantra, and lead you in a soothing creative visualization, guided meditation that is going to keep you happy, healthy, and magnetically attracting all that you desire in the coming year!
I suggest you begin making your list of what you want and your must-haves now to prepare. But before you start manifesting those those lists, I urge you to make space. I began by using up tea bags that I had been accumulating from previous travels. These last few years, I have been here in cyberspace, connecting with all of you virtually. But now, my kitchen has a lot more space.
Some of us are magnets for stuff. I grew up in an antique store. My mother had a passion for early American folk objects and art and just about everything in our house had a price-tag on it. I could come home after school and all of our rugs were gone. Back then I learned that I could draw the line when there was something I really wanted to keep.
It was one afternoon after school, I was trotting up the stairs yo my room, happy that I only had one topic that needed my attention for homework and found my bed was gone. I had to sleep in the guest room that night. Maybe this is why I have the habit of letting things pile up in my kitchen and also my closet. Perhaps it is due to my clinging as a result of having to let go of so much in my earlier years. I know it is also because I inherited so much from my mama after she left this planet and her earthly body.
“I have more than enough,” I told myself the other morning. “Its time to clear some of this out!”
I packed up some bags of things to donate and instantly found that it cleared my thoughts as well as a counter-top in my kitchen. After, I spent some quiet time gazing out the back sliding glass doors connecting with nature and noticed what might be the final Bird of Paradise flower sprouting up from its bushy, leafy nest in my back garden. Just then three huge vultures flew overhead. Maybe they were signaling the recycling of what needed to take place. I also noticed a group of hawks circling in the distance with their sharp sight.
This reminded me that it is important to become 100% clear about what we want before we begin any manifestation process.
I urge you to conduct a purge before the end of the year to clear your closets and your thoughts. I find that doing this makes way for a much needed clean slate before I begin planning what I want to manifest, especially at the end of a year, when I am looking at a new year.
When I want to be inspired I often pick up one of my crystals and meditate with it and I use these when I am speaking with clients as well. They help to tune me in to my intuition.
Favorites include from the upper left going around counter clockwise: Prehnite, Selenite, Orthoceras, Golden Selenite, Prophecy stone, and Kyonite.
Speaking of crystals and intuition there is a fun way to learn more about the mineral kingdom and enjoy inspiriting positive thoughts that can help you carve new neural pathways. It is the Crystal Intentions Oracle.
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With Love,
Ambika Devi
Helping you navigate the roadmap of life.
हरि ॐ तत् सत् Hari AUM Tat Sat