Ambika Devi

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Milestone Marker 64 October 27, 2023

I never thought I would make it to age 64. Here I am now one step closer to 65. When I awoke on October 27, 2023 I was inspired to write this in gratitude for this lifetime.
Ambika Devi
Oct 28, 2023

Muladhara, The Root Chakra

An invisible web connects us to all sentient beings through our root center, the Muladhara Chakra.
Ambika Devi
Aug 8, 2023

Which works better: Affirmations, Mantras, or Prayers?

Why are you not seeing profound results from your Affirmations, Mantra practice, or Prayers? Which is better? Dive into the mysteries as I unravel them and give you the Turbo-charge you have been craving!
Ambika Devi
Sep 21, 2022