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Join me for an information packed Webinar:
The 4 Keys to a Healthy Diet
Thursday October 12, 2023 On Zoom from 7:30- 9 pm ET
The knowledge you gain in this 90 minute seminar helps you to create a higher level of energy, improve your digestion, get better sleep, and increase your level of happiness. Learn the Three Pillars of Health and how to optimize them.
Your Takeaways include:
*Understanding what foods work best with your body type.
*Why certain foods and diet practices do not work for everyone.
*Food classification and why it matters.
*A clear understanding of your unique body-type and tools to harmonize it.
For 21 years I taught Holistic Health at the University level and worked as a clinic coordinator and practitioner focusing on clients with advanced case needs. The saddest thing to me during that time was that people were so resistant to the changes needed in their diets and habits to transform disease and get their bodies happier and healthier. Ambika Devi Holistic Wellness Expert
More About your instructor, Ambika Devi
Ambika’s expert knowledge of the body, mind, spirit connection along. Her second book, Unfolding Happiness, is an introduction to Ayurveda and her sister sciences giving you solutions that improve your gut health, and help you regulate your body. With 46 years of experience, 13,500 plus hours of study and having taught over 19,000 people the art of meditation, Ambika will place you precisely on your path using tools from her multiple degrees in fields of study including a Masters in Yoga and Meditation, and bachelor’s degrees in Astrology, and Fine Arts and as an international best-selling and award-winning author and speaker.
7:30 pm Welcome and Introduction
7:40 pm The Three Pillars of Health
7:50 pm Why do I feel sluggish after I eat?
8:10 pm Ayurveda Philosophy
8:20 pm Food Classification
8:30 pm Body Types and Digestion
8:35 pm It’s Not Necessarily What you are Eating!
8:40 pm Satisfaction
8:45 pm Q & A
8:55 pm Conclusion
The Webinar is going to be recorded. If you cannot make it you will have access to the recording to watch the replay. Therefor, there are no refunds.
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With Gratitude and Love,
Ambika Devi
Helping you navigate the roadmap of life.
हरि ॐ तत् सत् Hari AUM Tat Sat